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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

displaying complicated 3d objects in QT

A promising way to display 3d models in QT may be to load in 3DStudio .3ds files.

An open source library and example for doing this:
libQGLViewer contribution examples

Google sketchup supports .3ds files, and 3DStuio max seems to have quite a market share.

VRML is another likely suspect.

This site has great models for $50 each in a myriad of formats:

The more Mac centric Quesa 3D library, has some cool sounding models

However, its models are in .3dmf format. 3dmf models aren't real Windows or OpenGL friendly. This is a promising, Mac only, 3dmf to 3ds converter:


Thursday, August 24, 2006

Seven Steps to Better Presentations, by Jeffrey Veen

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

binary data in PERL

Key functions for dealing with binary data in PERL:


I remembered binmode quickly, but it took me awhile to rediscover ord.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

disable those stupid back/forwad keys

1) Go to 'keyboard customizer utility' located under Access IBM on start menu.
2)Click on 'Key Sensitivity'.
3) Uncheck Enable Browser Keys and click apply."

Twice today I was screwed by those keys. First, I accidentaly hit and it rotated my laptop LCD into portrait mode. Funny for a few seconds, then you realize the track pad is flipped into a nonsensical orientation too. And the setting to unrotate isn't another keyboard hit. it's burried like menus/tabs deep in the video card advanced settings.

Then tonight I'm writing an email in the web client. And I'm just about done with it, and instead of hittin g the up key, I hit the back key. *POOF* loss of email even after I hit he forward key
First Review of new ThinkPad | newrecruit: "The forward and back keys on keyboard (browser keys) can be disabled using following steps:


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

when working with an old dog

It seems that to get good C stuff you have to go pretty old school. This site looks like it has good stuff.

The SNIPPETS Portable C archive


PC based Logic Analyzer

By far, the best PC based logic analyzer I've used, with a decent price point of $389.

Unlike the USBee, this has software that's comparable to a benchtop logic analyzer. You can save your setup, group signals, and it has SPI, I2C, and RS232 decoders.

Intronix LogicPort PC-Based Logic Analyzer with USB Interface

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