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Monday, September 21, 2009


Though the GUI isn't exactly artful, I want to get this up and running.

"CDash aggregates, analyzes and displays the results of software testing processes submitted from clients located around the world."

CDash - an open source, web-based testing server

Friday, September 11, 2009

buy don't build

Digikey 768-1016-ND

Another great example of buy don't build is this RS232-TTL to USB cable from FTDI.

We use a serial port for debug output, and had this goofy little rs232 level converter board that was usually strung into a serial->usb adapter.

Now we can put a small connector on this cable and have a nice professional looking debug cable and no dangling PCB precariously strung into the laptop.

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

fabless semi problem

This opinion piece at EETimes gets the problem right:

"The increased in design cost, the growth in the number of IPs and the mask costs are combining to seemingly make any but the highest volume chips economically unfeasible."

but his rambling analysis and unclear solution proposals leave me scratching my head. But I guess he's a VC, and his job is to recognize opportunity, not to solve it!