free hit counter

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Quotes about C and C ++

Friday, May 25, 2007

Ogle Earth

Mapping and GIS mania:

Ogle Earth: Link list

NMEA parsing- why reinvent the wheel?

Creative Commons Attribution Licensed nmea parsing library

and it's in plain 'ol c



basic gps navigation overview

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The problem wtih good ideas is that often someone else has the same one

"Using the Blueprintâ„¢ SystemRDL compiler, developers can automatically generate and synchronize register views for specification, hardware design, software development, verification, and documentation."

Man, I was talking about this idea three years ago, but was to busy with my day job to do anything about it.

It's still a great idea though, and I'm glad someone has done something about it!

Denali Software, Inc.: About SystemRDL

Interesting Company: Troll Systems Corporation

These guys did gimbaled cameras and microwave feeds for news choppers and cops when L3 (ne SonomaEO, Wescam, Versatron) bought them and squandered the technology investment.

Troll Systems Corporation

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Non Linux ARM9 boards

There aren't many off the shelf boards in between an ARM7 with 64kB of RAM and an ARM9 with 64MB of RAM.

These two look pretty good and are supported by eCosPro:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

multitude of microprocessors in electric cars

Abstract of a talk to happen later in May:

"Tesla Roadster, like most modern vehicles, relies on embedded microprocessors for safety and performance. From the anti-lock braking system (ABS) to motor control, firmware-defined functions control all aspects of vehicle behavior. For example, control loops in a dozen microprocessors monitor battery environmental parameters, state of charge, and safety interlocks. Three processors interpret driver inputs from the shifter and accelerator to control motor speed and direction. A fourth processor monitors motor and controller temperatures to modulate power to two blower fans for cooling. Four CAN busses connect these and other vehicle subsystems to gather status and coordinate control functions. This presentation will outline the history of the Tesla Roadster and discuss a few of the design trade-offs resulting in the decisions made in its implementation. "

Monday, May 14, 2007

offshore agile

These guys really look like the know what they're doing

Articles and Whitepapers - StarSoft Development Labs, Inc.

Lightsphere-II CLOUD

Got a good recommendation from a wedding photographer about this flash diffuser:

Lightsphere-II CLOUD w/DVD

EDA salad

Ok, so all the companies I've been tagging lately are EDA companies. Maybe they deserve their own category!

Labels: ,

Interesting Company: Breker Verification Systems

EDA tools to automagically generate functional test cases for your chip.

Breker Verification Systems

EETimes artical about them


Thursday, May 10, 2007

QT plugin for eclipse

Still haven't found a great IDE for windows development. Just not a huge fan of VisualStuido, but XEmacs is showing its age. Once Eclipse gets a little better that's where I'd like to go.

Main Page - QtClipse

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Interesting Company: Tanner EDA

Mixed signal EDA tools

Tanner EDA


Thursday, May 03, 2007

better than FlexLM

As I downloaded another FlexLM based product, it thought I'd go read about FlexLM, since it seems to be the leader in floating license management for EDA tools.

The whole first search page was covered in tutorials on how to crack FlexLM! So, this looks like a decent alternative:

X-Formation - LM-X - The Strengthened Solution for Software License Management

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Interesting Company: ViASIC - Standard Metal Solutions for Structured ASICs and Configurable SOCs

Interesting Company: Zarlink Semiconductor

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Interesting Company: Corelis