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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Breaking News: Java doesn't have it all figured out

So, I could live with the frustrating fact that JComboBox and JList don't have consistant interfaces, but then I see that the SelectionChanged event gets fired twice when a user selects a new item in a list view. Why? What's the point? There should be two events, like mouse up and mouse down.

Code to get around this:

public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
System.out.print( "list select: index: " + list.getSelectedIndex() );
System.out.print( ", value: " + list.getSelectedValue() );

// below indicates how to differentiate mouse-down from mouse-up

if (list.getSelectedIndex() != selected_index)
System.out.println( " -- mouse down" );
selected_index = list.getSelectedIndex(); // reset
else {
System.out.println( " -- mouse up" );
System.out.println( "-----------------------------------" );

Components Examples: "twice"


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