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Monday, October 11, 2004

DI614+ Wireless Router vs. Intel PRO/Wireless LAN 2100B

I love my DLink DWL650+ and my DI614+ , mostly because I had a hand in making the cursed things.

However, I'm not commited enough have the DWL650+ hanging off the side of my laptop when I have a cheap .11b card built into my Thinkpad T41. The router and the cheap .11b card used to work together just fine, but after I moved this summer the two wouldn't talk. I assumed it was the natural entropy of Windows that just happened to coincide with my move.

Well, after wiping my T41 clean this evening, that wasn't the problem. You need to go into the DI614+ , disable the cool 4x mode *and* remove 22Mbps from the basic rate set.

Well, the T41 did have many other issues. I'm not nearly at full functionality yet, but it does boot much faster!



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